Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

the day when i die

sit on on my own chair
looking up through the window
it has been long time i don't do this..
i feel satisfy..

see the sunshine shinning too far far away
feel the warmth,, thank you,, sunshine still exist
see the dark cloud come up
smell the wet earth,, thank you it's calming

the day when i stand
the day when i start again
will be the nice day to believe
that i am strong enough to die
kill myself for the start of new day
then i walk along

there won't be any cry
won't be any die
won't be loved and fly
won't be hated anyway
tomorow will be so bright
close this all, smile strong
and walk along


inspirated by "single and happy",, love that song XD

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A particle that named...

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A marketing communication student who has very big interest in graphic design,visual art,performance art,music,and psychology. A designer wanna be.