Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

a piece of cake and candle

a piece of cake and candle

put in front of her

she smiled and played with the fire

ready to burn her finger

a miror in front of her

put nicely face her

to see streight herself like twins

she smiled softly to the shadow

this shadow she smiled and say "happy birthday"

at least only her for her this night

dark night with one candle

then she blew up the candle

it became dark..

she slosed her eyes pretend as if nowhere

with yellow crowd saying Happy b'day

givin warmth for this precious day

it's better for imagination at least

her brain never goes to dark...

a piece of cake and candle

for you,  shadow


paling sedih kalau ulang tahun ga ada siapa2.. ga ada yang ada di depan lo phisically,,sendiri,, yeah,, my 18th b'day seems to be like that,, gw ngerayain itu sendiri di resto ramen deket tempat les gw. ga ada sms satu ada telpon satupun.. akhirnya gw taro sumpit dan bikin bentuk orang depan gw sendiri dan cermi,, lalu bilang ke diri gw sendiri "happy b'day gyoza..current wish for you is to be strong walking by your own feet..".. 

umur 19 taun.. at least ortu dan broderwick yang inget,, gw nangis dan nolak buat ngerayain ultah gw..dan umur 20 taun gw terharu.. banyak bgt yang ucapin gw selamat ulang tahun.. :),,bahkan gw bisa ultah di 'sana' dan sama2 org y berharga buat gw..

i wonder somehow,, ketika gw bikin party ada yg mo dateng.. gw sedih setiap kali gw ngajak temen2 gw ngumpul,, ke rumah gw,, ato entah makan dimana,, entah ketemu dimana, semua beakhir akhirnya gw yg makan sendiri.. beberapa saat ini hal seperti ini terus menerus ngerti si alesan mereka..gpp..but,, it just like my 18th b'day replayed,,

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A particle that named...

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A marketing communication student who has very big interest in graphic design,visual art,performance art,music,and psychology. A designer wanna be.